Reading the bible In Two Years
We at New Life Church are privileged to share with you ways you can get into God's Word each day.
Why we encourage reading daily in the Bible:
I welcome the opportunity to visit with you, answer questions you may have, and most importantly join you in reading God's word. May your faith increase and your joy abound as we read the Bible together.
Pastor Conny
Why we encourage reading daily in the Bible:
- It shows us the way of Salvation It provides our defense and shield from Satan.
- It is where we find grace and peace.
- I leads us to sanctification or becoming more like Christ.
- In the Bible, we find the source of real joy .
- To get guidance from the errors of the world.
- We get the picture of Heaven.
- It contains the sustainer of life.
I welcome the opportunity to visit with you, answer questions you may have, and most importantly join you in reading God's word. May your faith increase and your joy abound as we read the Bible together.
Pastor Conny
Let your prayers for others emerge out of what you read. Don’t choose between praying and reading Scripture—do both! After you read a passage, pray that passage for yourself and for those you love. Some readings will be longer and others will be shorter. Take advantage of the shorter readings. Read them more carefully and meditatively. Don’t just read; reflect, ask questions, pray for answers, engage. In Psalm 119.48, the psalmist says that he meditates on the Lord’s statutes.