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Reading the bible In Two Years

About the Two Year Plan

We read through the Old Testament and New Testament in two years rather than one year, and you read through the Psalms and Proverbs four times in those two years.

  • On this plan, you read one book of the Bible at a time (plus a reading from the Psalms or Proverbs each day). This will hopefully allow you to get a clearer sense of the overall structure and message and contribution of each of the 66 books of the Bible.
  • On this plan, you read according to the logical units of Scripture. Sometimes those logical units will match up with our modern chapter divisions, and sometimes not. Perhaps the most helpful feature of this Bible-reading plan is that it is geared to Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart’s book, How to Read the Bible Book by Book (Zondervan 2002).  Fee and Stuart have a brief introduction and overview for each book of the Bible, plus an analysis of the logical and/or narrative flow of each book.

You can use the catch-up days to get back on top of your reading if you have fallen behind. You will notice that for some days the readings are a bit longer and for some days they are quite short. For instance, the Old Testament reading for  8Feb is Genesis 6.9-9.29, while the reading for Feb 10 6 is Genesis 11.10-26. If you look at Genesis 11.10-26, you may wonder why that has been chosen as a reading—it is nothing more than a listing of Shem’s descendants. The reason these two readings have been chosen is they h follow the way Moses has organized the book of Genesis. He has organized it around a phrase that occurs ten times: ‘This is the account of…’ If you look at the two readings above, you’ll see that they both begin with this phrase. The readings have been chosen in order to help you to see clearly for yourself how Moses has chosen to structure the book of Genesis. Moses didn’t include our modern chapter divisions, and it is important to see how he ordered the book.
We at New Life Church are privileged to share with you ways you can get into God's Word each day.
Why we encourage reading daily in the Bible:
  • It shows us the way of Salvation It provides our defense and shield from Satan.
  • It is where we find grace and peace.
  •  I leads us to sanctification or becoming more like Christ.
  •  In the Bible, we find the source of real joy .
  • To get guidance from the errors of the world.
  • We get the picture of Heaven.
  • It contains the sustainer of life.
In this world you will face struggles but have hope, God has overcome this world.  Never before in America has the battle of our minds been so real.  We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against Spiritual battle that must be fought in the Spirt.  God's word has existed from the beginning, and even through false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive us, God tells us to no tremble or be afaid because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. To make sure Christ is always first in our lives.

I welcome the opportunity to visit with you, answer questions you may have, and most importantly join you in reading God's word.  May your faith increase and your joy abound as we read the Bible together.

Pastor Conny

2023 Reading  Schedule

This year we are adopting a new schedule that reads through the Bible in 2  years Starting on Feb 5, 2023.  By using the app you have access to multiple versions of an online Bible
Let your prayers for others emerge out of what you read. Don’t choose between praying and reading Scripture—do both! After you read a passage, pray that passage for yourself and for those you love. Some readings will be longer and others will be shorter. Take advantage of the shorter readings. Read them more carefully and meditatively.  Don’t just read; reflect, ask questions, pray for answers, engage. In Psalm 119.48, the psalmist says that he meditates on the Lord’s statutes.